Are Online Poker Sites Fair Or Rigged?

The online poker sites would have you believe that their software is fair for all players. In fact many of the online poker sites are required to submit their software for rigorous testing to prove it is a fair game for all players. However, is the software really fair? On the other hand, is there something going on in the background that many people never realize?

Many victims of bad beats will scream “this card deck is rigged” while others will counter that the suck outs and bad beats are all a part of poker and it happens even in live games. While that is true, it still begs the question as to whether there is more to the online poker game than meets the eye.

In a recent report, Poker Stars admitted to be paying around $1.5 million US in rake each day. Of that amount, around $85,000 of that is converted to real money for winners. Yet, there is an obscure accounting provision in the report that explains why many famous players receive so little rakeback.

The primary method used by online poker sites to disclose their monthly payout of rakeback is by means of a point system. In every game, the site calculates a final payout using a method of math called M multiplied by Q. The process is repeated with each game card but the total amount of payout is always equal to the original buy-in.

On the other hand, satellite tournaments also pay the same way. The online poker rooms record the number of winners and the rewards are allocated as per their payout structure.

Final rakeback is directly related to the number of winners and the size of the prize pool. A poker site has a larger prize pool, so they pay out more rakeback. On the other hand, many contenders for final table fail to deliver a complete refund of the rake they have contributed to the final pool, since the buy-in was larger at first.

The larger the buy-in for a particular tournament, the more it will benefit the player. That is the Mother of All Bangouts. The Mother of All Bangouts occurs when the field sizes are so large relative to the stacks in play, that the only winner will be the player with the most chips. The Bee is another similar event in poker that pays out differently depending on the stack in play.

The larger the field size, the more players the site has to pay out and the less of an advantage the player has in relation to the blinds and antes. Consequently there is less money in many cases. Consequently, players have a greater chance of receiving a run of bad beats.

Both of these types of tournaments can last for many hours. Under the protections of online poker room spyware, you may have to endure long periods of table rotation while being unable to change tables, or you may be unable to regain your composure at all once you get on a losing streak.

While you are not at all guaranteed to win in online poker, you are guaranteed to play for many hours each day, and be able to participate in many tournaments. The additional benefit is that many of these tournaments offered by online poker rooms, as we have noted just a few, have better prizes than the many similar tournaments offered on other sites.

So why isn’t poker gambling gambling gambling? Dominobet gambling is when you bet money into a common pool, with the expectation that no one individual will have a better hand than you. In other words, if you put money into a common pool, a bad hand will not dominate the outcome of the game.

This is certainly a big difference from brick and mortar poker playing. If you lost, the money goes to the house. If you lost, the money goes to the player with the worst hand.

While you can certainly win, poker gambling is more of a proposition than a prediction of likely results. Since you do not actually own the cards, you can have a very strong hand or have weaker hands. Online poker playing cases are usually contributed to poker software, and the deductive reasoning behind the software programs is that the poker rooms have to continually contribute toward your rakeback.

This is definitely one of the reasons why poker rooms have become so popular in their present form, because the winning player can essentially walk away with the money that they have won. And additional web sites have been created to assist with calculating and receiving estimated rakeback percentages for each of the games played.

To assist you in seeing just how widely popular these web based poker assistants are, shows rakeback history for all active online American poker sites on their site. On their own, the site states that, “You can keep track of how much money you have coming in by the hundreds of dollars credited to your banker account per day.”

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